Happy blogaversary to Brayden's blog! I cant believe it has already been a year since I started this blog. Time flies. My apologies for not posting since we got back from Michigan, busy, busy. Everyone is doing great, Brayden is saying over 75 words now, and stringing together 2-5 word sentances. Big news! He is no longer in a crib. You can see his new big boy room in the pics below, (our camera stinks, so I couldn't get a full picture of his whole room). It has been an easier transition than we thought it would be, even though Brian found Brayden asleep in his closet today, with the doors shut. He is a pretty special guy.....Labor Day weekend is next week, I cant believe the summer is over. :( Now for 9 months straight of RAIN! Yay! Hope you all had as great of a summer as we did. Take care!!
Brayden's new big boy room!!!
Naked bathtime hijinks!!
Throwing a tantrum on the front porch.
The ship from the movie "The Pirates of the Carribean" was in Coupeville (about 8 miles away from us) a few weeks ago. They had a pirate festival and everything, even cannons lit off of the ship. Pretty neat, Brayden loved it.
I am a sagittarius, born December 13, 2004 in Wenatchee, WA. I weighed 9 lbs 10 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. I am currently 3 years old, 40 pounds and 40 inches tall.